And here she is looking at her loot with great interest...too bad she can't eat any of it!
She seems very pleased with it all!

A place to see pics of Gabby and find out what she's been up to...
She seems very pleased with it all!
And here she is with Mama...do we look alike yet?
Here she is just after we got home from a walk. If you look closely you can see hat head!
What an exciting day for Mama yesterday. A huge shipment of Christmas Gifts came in for Gabby. Most were from Grandmama. They were beautiful! NOw I don't know what we can get her! I think Grandmama thought of everything! One thing is for sure, Gabby is a very lucky baby. We also got her Jolly Jumper yesterday (not for Christmas) and we love it! GAbby is soooo happy in it! Dad took a video of her dancing a "jig" in it last night and Auntie D got to see it through Yahoo (it was too big to send through her e-mail). I will try to send it to others. In the meantime, Auntie D can let everyone know how great it was!
Gabby had another great night. We finally have her back on a schedule after her little cold threw her off. Next week we will get her back into her own crib! I don't know though, We are co-sleeping better now that she doesn't need to be held all night. She just lays down beside me and sleeps! She always keeps at least one hand on me though..it's very sweet!
We are going to Peace River tomorrow so I probably won't blog until next week. Love you all....
So yesterday we all went to Grande Prairie shopping (Myself, Amanda, Gabby, Cadence, and Josh). Yup, all of us in the truck. It took Amanda over 1/2 hr to get us all situated. I admit I did not have a clue how car seats worked! If it weren't for her, we would still be in the driveway! It was a great trip in all even though we were harassed a little for nursing on a bench in front of a store. Oh well!
Gabby had another great night last night but she slept with Mama...becoming a habit....
Here is a pic of Gabby and Cadence taken last week...
As I mentioned earlier, we went outside on Sunday to rake leaves. Jade helped a lot. Gabby....not so much! Here are the pics.
Just testing. This is neat...I have linked up photobucket to my blog and I can just go into photobucket, pick a picture, hit the blog button and it brings me right to a new post here in my blog! Cool!
This is a picture taken at Dottie's this summer in Ottawa. Gabby just loves her sling!