We spent most of last week in Edmonton. John had a conference and some appointments and I had training. Gabby was really sick the entire time. She is getting her top teeth and she had a low fever from Wednesday to Sunday. She was so sick but she still found a way to smile. She is such a good little girl!
We got to go to Rick and Dee's on Saturday and we had such a good time. Gabby really likes Ricky.
You can see from the pictures below that she is not feeling well. She is really pale.
At Jungle Jim's...she really liked drinking water like a big girl...

Laid back. This is how she sits in her stroller now. We were waiting for John at the dentist and she grabbed a couple of pamphlets. She still has them!

Our room overlooked the restaurant. Gabby loved to get in the window and watch everyone below...

With Daddy in the hotel...
She is so pale and sick but still having fun...
Again, looking out at the restaurant....

Playing with Uncle Cameron - he is the one under the coffee table!