Sunday, July 23, 2006

The rug

I've been meaning to take a picture of the wall rug Britney made for Gabby but I'm only now getting around to it. Isn't it beautiful? We have it downstairs in Gabby's playroom/computer room.

Great job! We love it!

Just like Mama?

So I was told that Gabby looks just like me in this picture. Thoughts anyone???

Here's Grey Cat's Sally but Gabby insists that it's "Gay Gat" so we are going with it. Grey Cat will have an identity crisis when he gets back from summer vacation.

At any rate, Gabby is a cat person. She loves the dogs but she is just crazy about the cats. She gets so excited when we go downstairs because she knows we are going to see a cat. As soon as we start going down over the stairs she starts calling out for Gay Gat.

I took a few pictures of Gabby desperately trying to get Sally to notice her...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Splish Splash

Gabby having fun in her kiddie pool - I wonder what she will think of the big one? It should be fun!


Just click on the image to go to the video
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

If you listen carefully you can hear her saying "Weeee...."

Gabby's World

So what's new in Gabby's world?

Gabby is enjoying her summer with Dad. They are hanging out all day long playing with Gray Cat who is actually Sally but Gabby won't accept that. She runs around calling "Gay Gat, Gay Gat". It is very cute.

Dad has been taking her to the park. She just loves the play Jeep. She turns the wheel and says "Vroom vroom". We introduced her to the swings yesterday and she really enjoyed them.

Gabby has her first crush with the guy who works in the Motor Vehicle Registry. We think he is a little too old for her.

Gabby is teething again, I see at least 4 new teeth poking through - 2 of which are molars. It's no wonder she is cranky.

We are taking her to see Cars today. It will be her first visit to the cinema so it should be an experience. I'll be sure to report back.

Here are some pics from her day at the park yesterday.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

At the lake

Here is a video of Gabby at the lake

Just click on the image
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It's been too long is your Gabby fix

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Gabby and Mama

"I love you but I will not smile..."