Thursday, November 24, 2005
On My Own
Well here she is sitting all by herself! She no longer needs help to say sitting. She played in her pack n' go like this for 1/2 an hour tonight. She got tired and layed down and that's when I got the tooth shot that I posted below.

Looky My Tooth!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
How much is too much?
I went to a meeting tonight for about an hour. John stayed with Gabby. She cried and cried because I was gone. I know I spend too much time with her but it is so hard to be away from her! John would love to spend more time with her but I don't give him a chance. When I returned home tonight she was so clingy! She kept falling asleep in my arms but woke up and cried every time I tried to put her in the crib. So now, after about two hours of that, John is finished his assignment for his Masters and is taking a turn and rocking her to sleep again. I know what she is waiting for. She wants to go to bed with me! She hasn't slept in her crib for quite some time now. I think that after the holidays I will try to day ween her and feed her expressed milk plus try to get away for short periods of time so that she is not so dependent on me. I have to go back to work in April and I don't think she will be ready for it unless I start making some changes. I never meant for her to be so clingy but I am just not willing to let her cry it out. Look at that face, could you listen to her cry? I thought not!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Good To The Last Drop
The phrase doesn't just apply to coffee as you can see in the bottom picture...it also applies to squash!
I love this no teething thing! Gabby slept for two hours today and if we are being honest, I did too. I've been so tired it's not even funny! I don't know if I'm comin' or goin' as the saying goes. She is awake right now though since she had a second nap at 6:30 and is now wide awake!
Here is a pic of Gabby rolling around with Ralph in the basement...

And without Ralph....
I love this no teething thing! Gabby slept for two hours today and if we are being honest, I did too. I've been so tired it's not even funny! I don't know if I'm comin' or goin' as the saying goes. She is awake right now though since she had a second nap at 6:30 and is now wide awake!
Here is a pic of Gabby rolling around with Ralph in the basement...

And without Ralph....
Here is one from this morning, she was mad because I made a cup of coffee and was determined to drink it while pumping some milk....finished neither....she cried and I caved!
Monday, November 21, 2005
A Break....For Now!
Gabby woke up giggling this morning! No kidding! She kept giggling all day as well. When I looked, I noticed that the second tooth was all the way through the gums. So I guess the poor baby has a break from teething...at least for now. No wonder she was so happy today.
We went to Whitecourt today - Gabby had a great time looking at all the Christmas decorations in the stores. She didn't even want to play with the toys that me and Nana kept trying to force on her! She slept all the way out and all the way back! And tonight, she went down at 8:00 and is still asleep 2 1/2 hours later (which is great considering how horrible it was when she was teething).
In other Gabby news, She is now officially sitting on her own and rolling on the floor to get to her favorite destinations (under the coffee table, under the hockey game, to her toys, etc.). She should be crawling in no time! She is also standing on her own with the coffee table for support for at least 15 seconds at a time before swaying. My baby is growing up! Boo hoo...
So here are some more pics, one with Poppy, one profile shot, and one of her last ime needing the boppy for support. Enjoy!

We went to Whitecourt today - Gabby had a great time looking at all the Christmas decorations in the stores. She didn't even want to play with the toys that me and Nana kept trying to force on her! She slept all the way out and all the way back! And tonight, she went down at 8:00 and is still asleep 2 1/2 hours later (which is great considering how horrible it was when she was teething).
In other Gabby news, She is now officially sitting on her own and rolling on the floor to get to her favorite destinations (under the coffee table, under the hockey game, to her toys, etc.). She should be crawling in no time! She is also standing on her own with the coffee table for support for at least 15 seconds at a time before swaying. My baby is growing up! Boo hoo...
So here are some more pics, one with Poppy, one profile shot, and one of her last ime needing the boppy for support. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 20, 2005
The Party!
Happy Birthday Jade and Gabby! Jade turned 8 years old today and Gabby turned 7 months...not a real birthday I know, but Jade thought it was just as important! What a sweetie! We had a little party for Jade today. Even though it was a little party, our small basement was quite full! It was so much fun....but I think we all ate a little too much ice cream cake!
Here is Gabby in her party dress...

And a close up...
Here is Gabby in her party dress...

And a close up...
Here is a pic of the party in motion (the others are playing elsewhere)...
Here is a pic of the cake...Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake...mmmmm....
Here is the birthday boy ...
And finally, Gabby got tired so we put her in her swing....two minutes later......
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Long Day!
Today had to be the longest day in history! The day started at around 1:00 this morning. Gabby got up for a feeding and wouldn't go back in her crib. Fine, I brought her to bed but that didn't help either. She tossed and turned and nursed all night long! Poor thing...must be the teething. She didn't nap all day (well...i'm lying if you call 20 minutes napping). It is now 9:30 pm and she does not seem to be even remotely close to falling asleep. Looks like another long night ahead of me. Sigh! She is being quite the mama's girl tonight as well. She doesn't want anything to do with Daddy. Oh well...here is another cute pic...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Rub A Dub....
You all know how much Gabby loves her bath! Some of my favorite pictures of Gabby are bath time pictures but I realized that I did not have any of Gabby in her towels. So after her bath last night, I took a pew pics. Here she is very happy but in a few moments time there will be tears as we try to dress her for bed! Silly parents - wanting to put clothes on her! Tsk Tsk...

Dang Shots!
Gabby had her shots again today. She cried and cried during the shots but recovered quickly enough. I nursed her when they were over as an attempt to soothe her and I was bitten for the first time! Those teeth may be small but it hurt like heck! I don't think she meant it - she was just a little upset! She was a little clingy the rest of the afternoon but she was o.k. for the most part.
On these pictures you will notice a red nose...she scratched herself during the night. It's a big one too! No lectures Auntie D, her nails were trimmed! I think she looks rather cute with her little pink buckle...what do you think?

On these pictures you will notice a red nose...she scratched herself during the night. It's a big one too! No lectures Auntie D, her nails were trimmed! I think she looks rather cute with her little pink buckle...what do you think?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Where is the time going?
I can't believe that Gabby will be 7 months old on the 20th! I have to go back to work at the beginning of April and I don't know how I'm going to do it! I miss work and I miss my daily chats with Carla but I am certainly going to miss spending 24 hours a day with Sweet Gabby! It is something I have to do though so I just have to prepare myself for it. Any suggestions???
Gabby's two bottom teeth are definately through the gums now! She has been having a hard time with it. She is really sore and is crying a lot. I wouldn't be surprised to see a few more teeth in the coming weeks. She has just started crying again so I will cut this short. Here are a few more pics.

Gabby's two bottom teeth are definately through the gums now! She has been having a hard time with it. She is really sore and is crying a lot. I wouldn't be surprised to see a few more teeth in the coming weeks. She has just started crying again so I will cut this short. Here are a few more pics.

Saturday, November 12, 2005
Uncle Jade
Well Gabby can't hog the spotlight forever so I thought I would dedicate at least one post to Uncle Jade. Gabby dearly loves her Uncle Jade. He is awesome with her! He spends a lot of time at "step-sis's" house because he loves to play with Gabby and the dogs. I guess he thinks John and I are cool as well! I know - silly boy! He spent the whole weekend with us again and had a ball. He sure has lots of energy. He has a birthday coming up soon and will be turning 8! Happy Birthday Jade!
O.k and Gabby has decided that she wants back in the spotlight so these pics of Jade also feature the one and only Gabby Sunshine!

O.k and Gabby has decided that she wants back in the spotlight so these pics of Jade also feature the one and only Gabby Sunshine!

Friday, November 11, 2005
Gabby 'N Me

Just to let you all know, Gabby has a tooth! It is still not out completely but you can definately see it!
Grandmama is here for a few days. Gabby is really happy to see her.
She is now eating peaches but she doesn't seem to like them as much as wax beans. She is a veggie lover!
Gabby likes to be on her belly now. She is even trying to crawl! She gets around by rolling...it won't be long!
Not much else happening but I will be sure to let you know when something does...
Here are some pictures taken while we were in Edmonton last weekend. Enjoy!
Chuck E Cheese
We went to Ricky's birthday party last weekend. It was at Chuck E Cheese's and we had a great time! Jade came with us...I think we created a monster! I want to post pics of the birthday boy but I have to ask permission first...so that may be coming soon. Gabby was very interested in everything that was happening. She watched all the kids running around. It was quite funny.

Monday, November 07, 2005
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Dinner Time
Dinner time is quite the event at our house. Gabby makes the most out of her few tablespoons of green beans. As you can see, she ends up wearing most of it. I love her booster seat. She didn't like using a high chair - she was always reaching for the table. This way, she is actually a part of the group and she loves it - the attention hog that she is!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
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