We went to Whitecourt today - Gabby had a great time looking at all the Christmas decorations in the stores. She didn't even want to play with the toys that me and Nana kept trying to force on her! She slept all the way out and all the way back! And tonight, she went down at 8:00 and is still asleep 2 1/2 hours later (which is great considering how horrible it was when she was teething).
In other Gabby news, She is now officially sitting on her own and rolling on the floor to get to her favorite destinations (under the coffee table, under the hockey game, to her toys, etc.). She should be crawling in no time! She is also standing on her own with the coffee table for support for at least 15 seconds at a time before swaying. My baby is growing up! Boo hoo...
So here are some more pics, one with Poppy, one profile shot, and one of her last ime needing the boppy for support. Enjoy!

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