So remember me telling you about Gabby's hives? Well they have not gone away yet and today I noticed that she breaks out immediately after nursing. It looks like something in my diet. I have decided to start an elimination diet tomorrow. I basically eat nothing but turkey, squash, potatoes, pears and rice for two weeks or until the hives go away and then I introduce 1 new food every 4 days. If the hives come back, we know what the troublesome food is. It HAS to be something in my diet - we can't think of anything else. Wish us luck with it!

Oh, I never heard of it. I will look it up also.
Actually, I fed her 6 times last night and no hives! Then she got one when she got up - I'm rally confused!
the diet seems like a good idea but could take a very long time to eliminate the troublesome food!!
hope the hives go away soon..sending some kisses for gabby...and you too!!!
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