Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I think it's over!

Knocking on wood, I think Gabby is finally better. There is no fever tonight and she seems to be herself again. I'm going back to work tomorrow and I'm sure Gabby will be happy to see Bella at daycare tomorrow since she woke up asking for her this morning.

Gabby's talking is really coming along - she is repeating everything she hears and she is doing quite well with that. Her new thing now though is saying "No" to everything - as you most likely saw on the video. It's funny but we try not to let her know we find it funny. That would be dangerous. LOL.

Here are a couple of pics for you. I took them tonight while we were watching her video.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Do you love me?

It's a Video!!!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sick Baby!

My poor baby is so sick. She has been running a fever since Thursday and she is so miserable. I feel so bad for her. We took some pics yesterday but you can tell that she was not herself...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

If You're Happy and You Know it...

It's a video so just click on the image...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Richard Simmons?

Looks like Gabby is getting ready for "Sweatin' to the Oldies"
And it looks like she needs another hair cut!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Is there something on my face?

Sweet Baby Girl

She is getting so big now! It's hard to believe that she will be 19 months old in just 2 days.

Here is Gabby posing after waking from a nap....
Love that smile!!!!
Today at the Community Hall - Dancing with Dad and asking for Mama's hand..
Dad is really good at spinning...but once you start.....
Getting ready to go out....
Today at the hall again....She had a great time...
Sorry, I can't get this one to rotate properly.....it's cute though....

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dinner Conversation

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Identity Crisis

So I am having an identity crisis. Gabby can't make up her mind on what to call me. Most days it's MomMom but it can also be Mama, Mom, or Mommy depending on her mood. What does she call Dad? Well..just Dad of course!

Here are some pics of Gabby taken tonight at dinner.

CSI - Canadian Edition

Exhibit "A" - The bookshelf and lamp... Exhibit "B" - the T.V...
Exhibit "C" - Mama's rocking chair
Exhibit "C" - Gabby's change table
Exhibit "D" - Mama and Dad's room door
Exhibit "E" - Gabby's room door and bookshelf
Exhibit "F" - Guest room door
Exhibit "G" - Gabby's room wall...notice the writing on the Sesame Street Gang...
The Suspect - Considered armed with a Sharpie and very dangerous - but cute

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Gabby's Week with Mama

Gabby had a wonderful week home with Mama. She had lots of fun going for rides in her sleigh, playing with Bella, snuggling with Mama - and writing on herself. LOL.

Gabby is talking well now. She is putting words together and forming mini sentences. Last week she came to me, put her hand on my leg and said, "We go wide, you get dwessed?" It was so cute!

In other news, Gabby has started telling me every time she pee pees or poops. And 99% of the time, she is right about which one it is. :) Still no potty. She doesn't like it much. I think I will try the baby seat that fits over the regular toilet seat. That might work.

Anyway, here are a few pics taken this week.

Making Art for Aunties....

A nice closeup of her creation - and her arms...

Caught in the act.....

Precious alright!!! What a mess....

With Cadie...those two are so cute together....Yes, those are rubbers. She spotted them in the closet and said, "Mom Mom, shoes peash...shoes..."

We took out the strings from her slippers and she wanted necklaces made. Silly girl....