Exhibit "A" - The bookshelf and lamp...

Exhibit "B" - the T.V...

Exhibit "C" - Mama's rocking chair

Exhibit "C" - Gabby's change table

Exhibit "D" - Mama and Dad's room door

Exhibit "E" - Gabby's room door and bookshelf

Exhibit "F" - Guest room door

Exhibit "G" - Gabby's room wall...notice the writing on the Sesame Street Gang...

The Suspect - Considered armed with a Sharpie and very dangerous - but cute
We are woking on getting it off. The little bugger found a Sharpie and went to town while I poured her a bath. Magic Eraser is working but it's slow and we are losing paint. It's a disaster!
I know this should not be funny.....BUT....oh my God it is too funny. I cant stop laughing at it. What a cutie. She really looks so innocent. She was probaby so proud of herself. Love her lots and lots....xoxoxo
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