Sunday, August 20, 2006

Night, Night

I was stunned tonight when Gabby announced, "Night night, I go bed" I thought I was hearing things until she said it again and walked to our bedroom!

But then, in true Gabby style, she just farted around in bed and did NOT go to sleep!

Fast forward to an hour later and I am practically holding her down while walking the floor with her and trying to get her to sleep. Oh Gabby! What will we do with you???

Here are some pictures of her sleeping Last week (she is so good when she is sleeping!)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The alphabet dance

Gabby just loves to dance to her "refrigerator phonics". Click on the image to go to the video site.

You will also get an ear full from Miss Gabby in the process.

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Coloring is Fun!

Gabby has discovered crayons!!! She loves to color and she always colors on the paper - never on the floor/walls/clothing but I should probably knock on some wood. She's not bad but .... Mama is definitely a better colorer than Gabby. Shhhh.....

Oh and ummm...mind the "crack" in the first pic. Hee Hee.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Big Mouth?

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Gabby Grimes

Hey everyone! It's been a little while. It is getting hard to get good shots of Gabby. She is so quick - she is gone before the flash goes off!

Gabby is talking lots now. She has lots to say about everything it seems.

She is enjoying having her Grandmama and the other cats here. She just adores those cats.

Here are a few pics taken over the past two weeks. They aren't great but they are the best I could get. Enjoy.