Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

I hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween. Gabby celebrated her first Halloween by going trick or treating with Dad and Jade. She had lots of fun! Here she is just before going out...

And here she is looking at her loot with great interest...too bad she can't eat any of it!

She seems very pleased with it all!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

More Cute Pictures Of Gabby

Gabby tries to stand a little now. Yesterday she was holding herself up at the coffee table for 5-6 seconds at a time. Maybe she will skip crawling and go straight to walking. Who knows - but she sure hates it on her belly! Here she is standing with Dads help...

Gabby likes to sit as well. She can sit on her own now but we used a pillow for the picture. We also took a video of this. I tried sending to everyone but aunties may have to watch through Yahoo...

And here she is with we look alike yet?

Pretty girl....

Here she is just after we got home from a walk. If you look closely you can see hat head!


I mentioned eariler that we were going shopping again. It seems Gabby just loves to shop! We went to Walmart again seeing as we did not learn a lesson from our earlier experience. Here is Gabby as we arrived.
And here she is in the store...looking a little uninterested.

And after a hard day of shopping, she just had to have a nap...This is how we found her when we arrived home....
Gabby just loves riding in the car. I try to take her for a ride every day. She loves walking too, I strap her on and away we go. I should try to get a pic of that as well...

Friday, October 28, 2005

O.K. So we don't love pears!

I tried giving pears to Gabby last night but she wouldn't take them! Weird since she loved them the night before. So tonight it's green beans! I will be sure to take pics of that one!

So Grandmama, if you keep mentioning a big screen t.v. you will drive your son crazy!

LOL, i'm typing this with Gabby in my arms and she is trying to type too - she keeps messing me up!

We are going shopping today so I will take pics and post tonight...

Love you all....Can't wait for November Grandmama....

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

We love pears

Gabby had pears tonight. She loved them! No pictures though, we were a little rushed! Gabby had a great night last night. She fell asleep in my arms at 7:30 and slept until 1:30 and then every three hours after that - but she slept in her crib all night! Yay!

We had an interesting day in Whitecourt today. We were stranded at Walmart for 3 hours waiting for Poppy and Nanna. Gabby was on best behavior so it wasn't so bad! We got a chance to see everything in the store! LOL!

Here is a pic I took of Gabby napping yesterday.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Thought I'd Share

I was browsing through the pictures on the computer and came across this one. It is one of my favorites. It was taken this summer at Uncle Chris' parents house. She fell in love with the pink elephant. So cute!
In other news, Gabby is really starting to get on a schedule. She usually falls asleep around 8:00 and will sleep for 4-5 hours until her first feeding. It's every 2 hours from there, but this is a start. She hated her crib before - so this is great for me!

Still no sign of teeth but she sure is teething! She is chewing on anything she can get her hands on and there is drool everywhere!

She is starting to notice the dogs more. She tries to pull Sam's hair and she likes to pinch Ralph. They get a giggle out of her when they are playing together. I think Sam is her favorite though. He pays more attention to her.

Her future babysitter was over to visit tonight. I took a pic and will post it when I get the chance. I think Gabby will like her - I just have to work up the nerve to go out without Gabby! LOL! I can't even go to the store without missing her!

Well that's it for now - take care and I miss you all!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Party Girl

Here is a picutre taken this morning. Her hair looks greasy for some reason. Yuck! It isn't though...just looks that way! LOL! The one below it was taken last night at a party we went to. Gabby had lots of fun and looked very cute in her party dress that her Great Auntie Christine gave her...

Friday, October 21, 2005

Sweet Potato! What is this stuff?!

Gabby had her first meal tonight - sweet potato. She sat in her chair waiting but did not quite know what to think of it at first. As you can tell by the pictures though, she quickly warmed up to it! Enjoy....

Happy Half Birthday

Gabby turned 6 months old yesterday...I can't believe seems like yesterday that I heard John say "It's a girl! It's a girl!"

This pic was taken yesterday just before going out.

Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen?

I love you sweet Gabby!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Showing Off Again

More pics of Gabby as per request...
I took these today. One with her jacket was taken at Moms - Mom is holding her. Jacket is a little big! LOL!
Hope you enjoy and I will write something tomorrow - although I know it's Gabby you come to see! :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Must Blog....

So I got heck from Auntie D today for not blogging. Sorry Auntie!

Gabby is doing well. She has not had teething pain in quite some time. Thanks to Auntie A for those Hyland's tablets - they save the day when she does have pain.

Funny story, tonight after Gabby's bath I nursed her and passed her over to Dad so that I could go next door for a tea. John called about 15 minutes after I got there because Gabby was screeching. She sounded like she was in extreme pain or something. He said she had been like that since I left. Of course, I ran home as fast as I could and when I got through the door Gabby smiled at me! The little sweetie just wanted mama. So I had to bring her back next door with me to finish my tea!

John is starting to feel better...or maybe it is just the medicine! He is back to work tomorrow. Hope all is well with everyone. Love you and miss you all....

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Some old (but cute) pics

Here are some pics of Gabby for those who have not seen them before.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


So we did not make it to Peace River. John is really sick with a chest cold so he wasn't up to going anyway but the deal was sealed when our dishwasher leaked into the basement and flooded Gwen's storage. It took John quite some time to clean it up. Sorry Gwen!

Last night I had a plugged milk duct - fun huh? It cleared up after nursing all night but then in the morning I had a plugged duct in the other breast! LOL! That one took about 1/2 hour to clear with pumping. The day didn't turn out so bad though. Gabby and I went shopping with Nana and Poppy. Gabby has some really nice new clothes including a pretty pink winter jacket!

It's nine and Gabby just went down. Hopefully she will sleep in her crib tonight. Crossing fingers. I am really tired and feeling like I need some time to myself BUT when the time comes to spend time by myself I just want Gabby. Strange indeed!

I took a couple of pictures tonight after her bath. Enjoy....

Friday, October 14, 2005

Sweet Gabby Sunshine

What an exciting day for Mama yesterday. A huge shipment of Christmas Gifts came in for Gabby. Most were from Grandmama. They were beautiful! NOw I don't know what we can get her! I think Grandmama thought of everything! One thing is for sure, Gabby is a very lucky baby. We also got her Jolly Jumper yesterday (not for Christmas) and we love it! GAbby is soooo happy in it! Dad took a video of her dancing a "jig" in it last night and Auntie D got to see it through Yahoo (it was too big to send through her e-mail). I will try to send it to others. In the meantime, Auntie D can let everyone know how great it was!

Gabby had another great night. We finally have her back on a schedule after her little cold threw her off. Next week we will get her back into her own crib! I don't know though, We are co-sleeping better now that she doesn't need to be held all night. She just lays down beside me and sleeps! She always keeps at least one hand on me's very sweet!

We are going to Peace River tomorrow so I probably won't blog until next week. Love you all....

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Shopping with the Kids

So yesterday we all went to Grande Prairie shopping (Myself, Amanda, Gabby, Cadence, and Josh). Yup, all of us in the truck. It took Amanda over 1/2 hr to get us all situated. I admit I did not have a clue how car seats worked! If it weren't for her, we would still be in the driveway! It was a great trip in all even though we were harassed a little for nursing on a bench in front of a store. Oh well!

Gabby had another great night last night but she slept with Mama...becoming a habit....

Here is a pic of Gabby and Cadence taken last week...

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Yard Fun!

As I mentioned earlier, we went outside on Sunday to rake leaves. Jade helped a lot. Gabby....not so much! Here are the pics.

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Not tired and Cranky :)

Aunties will be pleased to know that Gabby had a great night last night. She fell asleep on her own at 8:00 and Dad brought her straight up to her crib where she stayed until 12:30. After her 12:30 feeding, I brought her to bed with me and she slept through the night with the exception of two feedings (which were mostly for my benefit!). No tossing or turning at all...

She woke up at nine this morning with a huge smile on her pretty face!

I will be posting a few pictures later this week.....

Monday, October 10, 2005

Tired and Cranky

So....last night was a rough one. Gabby started off well - she fell asleep in her swing at 8:00 and when I went to bed at 12:00 I carefully carried her upstairs but as soon as her head touched the crib, she was up. So I fed her and put her back and 1/2 hour later I was finally in bed - only to wake at 2:00 to Gabby's hungry cries! This time she would not go back down so we spent the next 6 hours downstairs with Gabby sleeping in her swing (but still getting up every two hours to eat) and next to me on the futon. It was not a good night and now I am tired and cranky. To make matters worse, today I can't put her down - not in her crib, her saucer, her chairs, or her swing. She wants to be up with Mama! I think she is getting spoiled! I can't get anything done....oh well. Maybe tonight will be better huh?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Testing link

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Just testing. This is neat...I have linked up photobucket to my blog and I can just go into photobucket, pick a picture, hit the blog button and it brings me right to a new post here in my blog! Cool!

This is a picture taken at Dottie's this summer in Ottawa. Gabby just loves her sling!

New to this

Wow, this is exciting. Amanda introduced be to blogging by showing me her blog space. I loved it and decided to start one myslef. Since I am home with Gabby for the next six months or so, this is a great time to get started...I must admit, I have an aversion to journaling - Details at a later time!

Yesterday John, Gabby and I had Thanksgiving dinner at our neighbours (and new friends). They have a baby girl a month younger than Gabby and they get along great. Well, as great as two babies can get along! We had a great time and it was a wonderful meal. Great first attempt at Thanksgiving dinner Amanda!

Gabby and I are about to go out into the yard to do some! She loves it outside! So....I shall blog again some other time!