Monday, October 10, 2005

Tired and Cranky

So....last night was a rough one. Gabby started off well - she fell asleep in her swing at 8:00 and when I went to bed at 12:00 I carefully carried her upstairs but as soon as her head touched the crib, she was up. So I fed her and put her back and 1/2 hour later I was finally in bed - only to wake at 2:00 to Gabby's hungry cries! This time she would not go back down so we spent the next 6 hours downstairs with Gabby sleeping in her swing (but still getting up every two hours to eat) and next to me on the futon. It was not a good night and now I am tired and cranky. To make matters worse, today I can't put her down - not in her crib, her saucer, her chairs, or her swing. She wants to be up with Mama! I think she is getting spoiled! I can't get anything done....oh well. Maybe tonight will be better huh?


Anonymous said...

I agree that she is spoiled...but who could not look into those big brown eyes and fall into a trace...Auntie D

Anonymous said...

fall into a Trance...not Trace...