Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sophisticated Lady

She is such a little lady lately. She is no longer a baby.

She is practically dressing herself. She puts her arms and legs in clothes, she puts her feet out when she sees her shoes and she takes off her socks and tries to put them back on. She even puts on hats and glasses by herself!

I think we can officially say she is walking now. She takes steps to get somewhere several times a day. Today she walked about 6 steps to get to a toy at least 4 times. If there is a coffee table nearby she uses it to walk, otherwise she crawls or walks on her own. I'm so proud of her.

She has had a rough week. She has a little head cold (I think from the change in weather) and she is teething. The poor thing cries out and puts her hands to her mouth. Yesterday she even tried to pull out her tongue. LOL. The teething tablets and Tylenol are helping though and it should soon be over.

That's about all the news for now. Love you and miss you all very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She has HIGH MAINTENANCE written all over her....I love it. Glad to hear that she is up and around. She go tired of waiting for you guys to pass her what she wants so she has decided to get up and walk and get it herself.....xoxoo