Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Good To The Last Drop

The phrase doesn't just apply to coffee as you can see in the bottom picture...it also applies to squash!

I love this no teething thing! Gabby slept for two hours today and if we are being honest, I did too. I've been so tired it's not even funny! I don't know if I'm comin' or goin' as the saying goes. She is awake right now though since she had a second nap at 6:30 and is now wide awake!

Here is a pic of Gabby rolling around with Ralph in the basement...

And without Ralph....

Here is one from this morning, she was mad because I made a cup of coffee and was determined to drink it while pumping some milk....finished neither....she cried and I caved!

And good to the last drop...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she looked so sad on that pic whne you were getting your coffee...sad but cute...still missing you guys...xoxo