Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Where is the time going?

I can't believe that Gabby will be 7 months old on the 20th! I have to go back to work at the beginning of April and I don't know how I'm going to do it! I miss work and I miss my daily chats with Carla but I am certainly going to miss spending 24 hours a day with Sweet Gabby! It is something I have to do though so I just have to prepare myself for it. Any suggestions???

Gabby's two bottom teeth are definately through the gums now! She has been having a hard time with it. She is really sore and is crying a lot. I wouldn't be surprised to see a few more teeth in the coming weeks. She has just started crying again so I will cut this short. Here are a few more pics.


Anonymous said...

The only suggestion that I have for you when you return to work is sending Gabby down with Auntie D who will upon scheduled visits...will share her with Auntie A and her Uncle G...
Just a suggestion...xoxoxo

Selina said...

Yeah, you would like that wouldn't you? :)