Friday, December 30, 2005


We had to lower the mattress in Gabby's crib today. We noticed that she was pulling herself up to her knees and hanging over the crib...and with a little help she was standing completely! Then (after the camera was put away of course!) she stood on her own! Wow! I can't believe my little girl is growing up!

She was so tired today after a trip to Whitecourt and a little play date with Jade! She ate a huge bowl of oatmeal for supper and then washed it down with some Cheerios. Growing girl! After supper she had a bath and played some more but started to get really tired so I brought her up to her room to watch The Care Bears on her new Mickey Mouse TV and DVD player (Grandmama). She didn't make it through opening credits and she is still down!

In other news, she is really becoming a big girl. She only wants to sit on the floor or stand up. We had to put away the swing and the jolly jumper! In a short time I'm sure she will be running around the house! Her new game is clapping her hands and saying "yay" whenever I say "Yay Gabby". All I have to do now is say yay and her hands start clapping! It is too cute! Here are a few pics from today. I will post some videos tomorrow. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I can't believe how fast she's growing.